Urban Form Repertoire

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Block, Superblock, and Megablock: A Short Morphological History
Block, Superblock, and Megablock: A Short Morphological History
New York, USA
Tsukiji, JP
Singapore, SG
Auckland, NZ
Hong Kong, CH
Downtown America
Boarded-up Houses
Nürnberg, DE
The Tripoli Fair
NightLight: Class 9
BCN Tour
Tangier, MA
DayLight Class 9
Times Square, NY
Hong Kong, HK
Marrakech, MA
Brussels, BE
London, UK
Taipei, CHN
AZCA Madrid, SP
Detroit from Above
Ivrea, IT
Bilbao, SP
Käpylä, FI
Bordeaux, FR
Socialist Modernism
Detroit, US
Mexico D.F., MEX
Appropriation of Nature
The Form of the Possibility
Johannesburg, ZA
Berlin, DE
Out of Season
Glorias, Barcelona, SP
Colorful Makeover
Closed for Holidays
Bognor Regis, GBR
Old Delhi, IND
Bangkok, THA
Old Delhi, IND
Mexican Suburbs
Ortszeit, DEU
Seattle, US