Valle de México, MX

Valle de México © Zaickz Moz

Valle de México by Zaickz Moz

Zaickz Moz presents a collection of back views of one of the failed bicentenary cities: Tecámac. Motivated by the chaotic views during his everyday journeys (México-Pachuca, Pachuca-México), he decided to investigate further and found a very complex urban and social conflict.

Although Tecámac’s housing development started in the late 1960s and kept going through the 90s with the construction of different neighborhoods, it wasn’t until it was named a bicentenary city that, within a new state regime of social construction, private investment carried out the project and detonated the housing boom that overran not only the allocated lands but all the surrounding area of Mexico City.

The back views of Tecámac’s housing settlements, taken from the México-Pachuca highway, portray the action of the inhabitants who, through self-construction, overlapping levels and changing the original buildings, have adapted their houses to their living needs without a construction plan or any concern for safety standards.

Text by Fernanda Escárcega

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