
Rémé ©Antoine Séguin

Rémé by Antoine Séguin

« Sur la piste des derniers hommes sauvages » is a team work combining photography (Antoine Séguin), narrative text (Adrien Krauz) and graphic design as maps (2SJ, Soo Jung Park and Simon Jean Loyer).

​​What can imaginaries bring to the interpretation of late modernity ?

There is a narrative to be found at the root of the manifestations of modernity, especially those that took place during the second half of the 20th century and that leant on development and economic growth, following visions opened by the powerful coalition of technology, science and the State.

 One of the most important of those manifestations resides in the urban realm; the metropolis and its attraction force has become an indisputable fact, autonomous from the will of its administrators.

 What was originally a matter of emancipation and progress produced ruins-to-be and uncertainty. But still, traces of the founding narrative remain and cohabit with its undesirable side effects.

 How do people live in an environment that is obsolescent with respect to its original promise?

 The Carrefour Pompadour is the place par excellence to explore such questions. Made true by the dreams of the past, its future seems condemned to ruin. How could this place be inhabited?

 This work is part of a wider research effort called “Rémé” (Révélations Métropolitaines) that aims to explore the narrative potentials of metropolitan situations.


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2000 km