As a continuation of previous interventions, the path along bank of the Llobregat River is improved where it runs through Molins de Rei. A 3-metre-wide path made of decomposed granite and aggregate is designed to run the length of three kilometres. It slopes crosswise towards the river and the profile lengthwise adapts to the existing path to minimise earthworks.
The resulting topography facilitates the accumulation and retention of water at the lowest points (ditches and ponds) and takes advantage of the higher ground for planting trees. Thanks to the resulting different degrees of humidity, the necessary environmental conditions can be created for the optimum growth and maintenance of the vegetation – made up of native species characteristic of riparian zones, thus restoring the fluvial ecosystem.
In short, the new path improves accessibility to the river, strengthens the relationship between the city and the river, promotes the recovery of the river ecosystem, and favours its biodiversity.