Valby Machinery Halls: Transformation into a Lively District

The new Assembly Hall is in a former industrial hall, located on an old industrial site in Valby, which has now been transformed into the lively district of Valby Maskinfabrik. C.F. Møller handled the transformation of the Montagehallen (Assembly Hall), where the original industrial expression has been preserved, while the interior has been refurbished to house modern commercial premises and homes, and also an event and community building.

The Assembly Hall is a heritage building, and in connection with the conversion, C.F. Møller also contributed an analysis of the conservation value of the hall. This value relates, among other things, to the hall’s 200-meter-long building volume, the façade’s red steel grating structure, infilled with panels of red brick, and the characteristic gable motif, expressed in the hall’s curved roof and prism-shaped skylights.

In order to preserve the hall’s unique patina, the new commercial premises and the event and community building, located at opposite ends of the building, are insulated on the inside by a climate screen of glass. Behind the glass, you can still see traces of the hall’s previous use. At each end of the hall, a new interior volume has been inserted, supported by an industrial steel structure in line with the building’s original expression.

In the middle section of the hall, where the residential units are located, a new set-back façade has been built, ensuring good daylight conditions all the way through the apartments. With the help of a steel structure mounted on the new façade, the cadence and the long, rhythmic flow of the original façade are continued. The steel structure is also used to mount the balconies. Each residential unit has a balcony or ground-floor terrace and a living room with a large west-facing glass section that spans the width of the entire room.

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