House OS: A New Landscape

The design is for a two-family house for the owner, who runs a tropical plant farm with the whole family. In the countryside of Japan, farmland and residential land are adjacent to each other and are mixed. The owner of this project purchased a site consisting of three types of land: residential land, farmland (with a road) and farmland (without a road).

At first glance, these lands seem to be one, but there is an invisible borderline between the neighboring lands as stipulated by law. By focusing on the borderline, we propose a new landscape of rural farmland and residential land. Therefore, we built separate buildings (houses, agricultural warehouses, greenhouses) that comply with the laws for each of the three land types, adjacent to the border of each plot. With this layout, the edge of one building is completed as it jumps over the boundary of the site. As a result, the borderline of the neighboring land disappears, and the owner can live as though the house were built on one big plot.

On the other hand, to show that the land corresponding to each building is different, we designed a very narrow gap between the three buildings. In the gap, a new borderline of the adjacent land is drawn by the environment in the form of streaks of light, raindrops, and wind. In this project, we designed life connections and new landscapes and phenomena that transcend the constraints of land divisions.

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